Que vous soyez étudiant, professionnel du droit ou simplement amateur, notre gamme dédiée au domaine juridique est faite pour vous.
📚 Retrouvez des mugs imprimés avec les codes civils, pénaux, ou du travail, ainsi que des accessoires uniques pour mettre en avant votre passion pour la justice.
👨⚖️ Exprimez votre expertise avec élégance grâce à nos créations.
Labor Code Mug - RedEnhance your coffee breaks with the Labor Code Mug. This sturdy ceramic mug is designed to withstand repeated washing while maintaining its glossy appearance. Perfect for professionals, students and labor law enthusiasts, this 11 oz (330 ml) mug features the text of the Labor...
- €14,95
- €14,95
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Environmental Code Mug - RedShow your commitment to the environment with the Environmental Code Mug. This premium ceramic mug withstands repeated washing while maintaining its shine. Perfect for environmental professionals, students and nature enthusiasts, this 11 oz. mug features the text of the Environmental Code for a constant...
- €14,95
- €14,95
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Civil Code Mug - RedOpt for legal elegance with the Civil Code Mug. This high quality ceramic mug is designed to last, even after many washes. Ideal for lawyers, law students and Civil Code enthusiasts, this 330 ml (11 oz) mug proudly displays the text of the Civil...
- €14,95
- €14,95
- (-0%)
- Unit price
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Penal Code Mug - RedAdd a touch of legality to your everyday life with the Penal Code Mug. This high-quality ceramic mug retains its shine even after many washes. Perfect for lawyers, law students, or anyone passionate about justice, it offers a unique design with the text of...
- €14,95
- €14,95
- (-0%)
- Unit price
- per